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Showing posts from February, 2012

Dumpster Dive #1: Chickenhawk by Robert Mason

.39 cents at the local Salvation Army, early '80's non-fiction paperback (1983 to be exact) concerning the Vietnam War. No-lose situation right? We will find out (I'm slogging through Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John LeCarre and I should probably finish that first; a little over halfway through and I have only the faintest idea what is going on, let alone who Karla is...ugh) soon enough and I'm psyched to get this ball rolling. "...Violent, deafening, treetop world of 1000 Viet Nam helicopter missions...its vertical plunge into the thickets of madness, will stun readers as well..." — Time Sounds like it might have potential and I will report back as I make some headway.

Slow start... put it mildly. Just noticing that I set this blog in motion back in August of 2011; apparently I have just enough energy and attention bandwidth to fill out the bare minimum of blog profile data, but not the stamina to see it through even one measly post. Several weeks back I read something that felt 'inspirational' and 'eye-opening' regarding various techniques an author might use (or 'wanna-be' author as the case may be) to get the writing process started when in a funk: one said technique was, of course, simply write...anything for minimally 5 minutes every morning. I read this, felt inspired and tingly and all of that, then proceeded  yeah you guessed nothing whatsoever. Well, now it's 2 weeks on and there is that nagging thing buzzing around the back of my neck, that won't leave me be until I try this writing exercise and see what comes out (somewhat akin to an experiment in dietary fiber if you will). I suppose something nee