I won't bother with excuses as to why it's been several years since my last post (ok but only briefly...a 3 year old son came into the picture and that has certainly curtailed my activity in just about every way); I'm back with a look at July of 1980 and, starting at the top, we have Show Stoppers, hosted by Odd Couple star Tony Randall. I was only able to find a couple numbers from the show, thanks (perpetually) to my friend YouTube and user blah. At 9:30, the main event, Lee Majors, that ubiquitous face of action televsion through much of the 70's and early 80's, stars in Killer Fish. Killer Fish, I kid you not. When I first saw this title in the guide I thought "...some kind of nature documentary, a la Wild Kingdom etc..." but no, upon further perusal I find it has something to do with a jewel heist and, yes, evil fishes. Piranhas again, to be precise. But this plot is clearly an attempt to hit that 'evil nature' thing somewhat obliquely, wit...
...let's just see where this takes us, eh?!